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I Should Totally Be Dead Right Now Podcast Posts

Episode 93: Uninvited Guests

This week we talk about Bre Lasley, a young woman listening to music in her bed. When she hears a voice, she looks over at her window to see a man crawling in her window. She quickly finds out that he does not want to rob her. We also talk about Henry Moffett, a man watching a football game at his friend’s house. When he gets a banana from the fruit bowl, he feels a pinch on his hand. He begins to feel sick and his hand begins to swell. Listen to how they survived now.

Drink of the Week: Bloody Mary

Episode 92: 12 Days

This week we talk about Dale Anderson, a church going man in a small town. One day after Sunday service, everyone went into the fellowship hall for baked goods and coffee. Dale began to feel sick quickly afterwards and began to violently vomit. He was quickly taken to the hospital. We also talk about Anna Bagenholm, a radiologist and avid skier. She and her friends hit the slopes, but she found herself fighting for her life when she got stuck below ice in freezing waters. Listen to how they survived now.

Drink of the Week: Blackberry Margaritas

Episode 91: Paranormal Castrations

We are back! This week we talk about a young male who is interested in castration. He searches online and finds two men who say they will do this surgery for free. We also talk about an accountant who starts to hear noises and growling in their apartment building. He is being targeted by something out of this world. Listen to how they survived now!

Drink of the week: Strawberry Smash 

Episode 90: Surprise Attack

This week we talk about Donna Holm, a flight attendant who runs into a nasty surprise when coming home from errands. The last thing she remembers is opening her car door to grab her stuff when out of nowhere an attacker hits her on her head. We also talk about McKenzie Clark, a paddleboarder enjoying Maui’s beautiful ocean. When her friend spots a tiger shark right under her, she has to fight for her life. Listen to how they survived now!

Drink of the Week: Blue Hawaii’s 

Episode 88: Love and Loss

This week we talk about Alex Lovell, a man playing a video game 12-13 hours a day to train for an upcoming event. His girlfriend of two years gets suspicious of him cheating when she finds the Tinder App on his phone. Enraged, she goes to the mall and buys a unique weapon for her revenge. We also talk about Jean Geer, a widowed woman in her 70s. She goes to spread her loved one’s ashes in the woods, but when the urn falls down a steep hill she finds herself lost. Listen to how they survived now!

Drink of the Week: Lemon Lime Margarita  

Episode 87: Double Trouble

This week we talk about Jamie Grunwald, a bartender closing up for the night. A young man enters the bar and attacks her. He drags her into the bathroom and pulls out a knife. We also talk about Xisco Gràcia Lladóun and Guillem Mascaró, two cave divers. They uncover an undiscovered cave, but when their escape rope is gone, they are lost with their oxygen getting low. Listen to how they survived now!

Drink of the Week: Sparkling Grapefruit Cocktail

Episode 86: Flood and Mud

This week we talk about Robin Youngblood, a 63 year old who is enjoying company at her house. When loud noises are coming from outside, she quickly realizes that they are in danger. We also talk about Brandon Miles and Rodrick Jones, who are in the Air Force. When working their shift in a secure concrete hut, a storm hits. Once their shift is over, they are stuck and water is starting to seep through the door. Listen to how they survived now. 

Drink of the Week: French 75

Episode 85: Lost Souls

On this holiday episode we talk about Rajiv Parti, a rich materialistic man who is diagnosed with cancer. While having surgery he finds himself disconnected with his body and in hell, seeing the errors of his ways in life. We also talk about Donna Molnar, a Canadian woman venturing out in a snow storm. When she is missing for three days, her family thinks of the worst. Listen to how they survived now!

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

Drink of the Week: Homemade Eggnog

Episode 84: Face Off

This week we talk about Caheri Gutierrez, a senior in high school on her way to help her mother at work. She brings two friends along, but when they stop at a red light, chaos erupts. We also talk about Anatoli Bugorski, a particle physicist who fights for his life when an experiment at work goes wrong. Listen to how they survived now!

Drink of the Week: Christmas Mojito 

Episode 83: Crushed and Toxic Fumes

This week we talk about Ung Nget, a repairman attending the water festival in Phnom Penh. When too many people try to cross a bridge to see a free concert, the bridge starts to sway, causing people to panic and push against each other. We also talk about Craig Hosking, a cameraman getting B-roll footage of lava with his team. When their helicopter malfunctions they find themselves stuck inside an active volcano on a small island. Listen to how they survived now!

Drink of the week: Sparkling Caramel Apple Cider